Monday, December 1, 2014

Let's Run Across the State

I'm sure many of you are thinking several things about this endeavor.  -YOUR CRAZY-

Yes it's true-runners tend to think of the impossible.  Why else would we think that pushing our bodies to the limit is fun.  Remember the first marathoner died at the end, yet countless runners complete them every year.


Because we can....plain and simple.  We are capable to pitch in and help out two people that are simply-just amazing.  The opportunity to pair that with something we enjoy doing made the decision that much easier.


Within a week of the conversation Kearney had a route started.  Not long after, he was laid up at home with a fractured arm from falling while he was running.  Milligan got Give Foward up and running and we starting discussing about how we wanted to approach this adventure.

As the fall approached and school resumed Kearney was in the middle of enjoying retirement traveling and doing while Milligan and I are knee deep in fall sports. As the fall tapered away I pressed on with Milligan about our route and he started driving the route with Kearney's directions as a guide. The goal was to not only verify the route, but to secure places to stay along the way.  The plan would go as follows: the first four nights are local enough that we can stay at our homes. At the urging of Kearney's wife we would be off on Christmas and most of Christmas Eve.  Family time is important to us all. We would have 7 of the 10 days in prior to Christmas.

Here's the plan as follows:

Day 1 Dec 18th - State Line to Miller area (15miles)
Day 2 Dec 19th - Miller Area to Brummitt Elementary (16.8 miles)
Day 3 Dec 20th - Brummitt Elementary to West LaPorte (15 miles)
Day 4 Dec 21st - West Side of LaPorte to far East Side of LaPorte (15 miles)
Day 5 Dec 22nd - East side of LaPorte to South Bend (First donated Hotel Stay/Comfort Suites South Bend) (16.8 miles)
Day 6 Dec 23rd - South Bend to ElKhart (waiting on room donation here) (16 miles).
Day 7 Dec 24th - Christmas Eve.  Elkhart to Middleburry (Run 15 in the morning then head home for Christmas).  Yes, we are taking ChristmasDay off!!
Day 8 Dec 26th - Middleburry to LaGrange/Staying at Carney's Inn (15 miles)
Day 9 Dec 27th - LaGrange to near Angola (app. 15 miles) Dr. Pruis has donated two rooms
Day 10 Dec 28th - Angola to State Line (app. 15 miles).  FINISHED!!!

Click on our running corn guy to keep track of our progress!

Please contact us if you are interested in joining us for a few miles at any point.


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