Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 8: Middlebury to LaGrange: Happy Running and Happy Cows-almost

Today's run started out with some icy roads on our travels to our meet up spot. Fortunately we all made it safely to downtown LaGrange.  We drove out to our starting point for today's run, making a few wrong turns off of Hwy 20 and we were finally there.  Today's run was going to be a gorgeous day as the sun was already shining and the temps were on their way up.

It didn't take long and horse and buggy were already in sight and a count was promptly started.  Along the run route we sighted 23 horse and buggy, but total for traveling back and forth was upwards of 50.  Their drivers were mostly awake and always friendly.  We even got a few goofy looks from the horses as well as we approached.

  Speaking of which there were so many horses and cows as we passed down the roads they were often interested in us passing by and always a spirit and tempo booster.  In fact I think the cows horses and buggies were in part assisting our running happy today.  

At one point we could see what I thought was a broken down car on the other side of the road. It was in fact not broken down, it was a group of Chestertonians cheering us on.  We jumped across the highway and thanked them for coming out to support us.

After several miles we continued along our route we spotted a sign that said LaGrange 10 (miles); I looked down at my watch tracking our distance and saw it report 10.5 miles or so that we had already gone. Kearney and I looked at each other and you could hear the potential concern in our voices.  Wow had we messed up with our intended mileage today....  As runners go this happens and we knew it.  The good news is if we were mentally and or physically done our ending point was a mile or so past our location we were staying.  As we caught up with speedy Milligan we decided to keep going and press on through.  Milligan was not fully aware of just how far off we were.  Together as one group we pushed up the hill on that last mile and enjoyed the down hill the last half mile as we spotted my car.  20.5 (21) miles we had traveled running today.  Not the intended distance but it sure makes the last two days easier!  In my head I was thinking I knew this was going to happen at some point...darn you Keaney!!!

We rushed to get our cars and meet up at Carney's Inn to shower and then head out to feed our bodies from this long run.  We stopped at Chicago Joe's in downtown LaGrange to get some immediate nourishment in our systems.
This place was AWESOME!!!!  If you head that way the owner is straight out of Chi-town and it's a great atmosphere and super friendly.  We even got him to take a photo with us.  Thanks JOE!

We then headed out to one of our colleagues homes where we had another round of great food and great company.  Extra special thanks to Linda and Jim Curry for hosting us this evening.  It was great to sit and relax in your home. We even had the pleasure of meeting their friend Trent. 

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